Many of these pieces were created in collaboration with a writer. links to their works are down below

Checkmate When the king meets his knight by @VenJubilationYeto and yeta's pumpkin soup recipe by embyrinitalicsTales from Hyrule The last court poet by @MemeLordPostStronger a Marianne fanzine an open world by @macandsweetsDimidue bigbang seize the Dawn by @samariumwritingLostfoundzine Shamir's centepede picture a lesson in fear by @lesbianryukoFeWritersZine like shattered glass by @amukWrites




The eyes of hyrule - Graphics & Layout mod
Fire Blast Zine - Graphics & Layout mod
Idle Breeze zine - art & organization mod

Artist contributions

Crank it CheckmateNomtendoTales from HyrulePunk is Gay ZineFódlan CuizineRe:Play TWEWY ZineStronger Marianne FanzineSweetlife Pokemon Zine
Dimidue Big Bang
Secret Anna 2020 FeCompendiumAshdue Storybook zineFire Emblem WritersZineLost & found zineSeasons of peace Fe3hHub

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